Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Teddy's first Christmas

Here are some pictures of Teddy's first Christmas!

Resolutions 2008

OK, so the new year came in quietly cause that's the kind of life we lead. I'm not complaining, too many times excitement means something bad is happening. But so far the new year is not looking financially prosperous so my number 1 resolution is to remember to be happy and thankful for what we have and to learn to conserve. I really want to try not to find a job for a while since I'm enjoying not working outside the house-believe me when I say I do work, because if you don't think cleaning a house, paying and organizing your home finances, cleaning out a garage and basement and closets isn't work you can come here and do it for me! So here, in order, are my 2008 resolutions!

l. Remember Happiness is a choice-Bhappy and Thankful for what I have. Many people have less!
2. Keep focused on the goal and get organized. Time and money is wasted if you can't find something.
3. I want to lose weight, but more important I want to make changes that will last and to stay healthy. So I will continue to walk 2-3 miles with the dog at least 5 days a week. Make healthier food choices as often as I can. I won't beat myself up if I succumb to eating a cookie or a snickers bar for lunch, but try hard not to do it too often!
4. Save money toward a new sofa for the living room and try to buy it with cash but first get rid of all credit card debt!

So there it is. Hopefully they are doable and worthwhile goals. I will only add one more (an old but continuing resolution!) to the list and that is to remember to ask God for help with these goals. I often get so caught up in my daily life (or caught up in reading a good book) that I forget to ask God for help. I tend to take for granted that God has my best interests at heart and forget that life is easier when we remember that God is walking beside us so you might as well enjoy His company and talk to Him once in a while!

God Bless us all in 2008. Walk with Him and we will all have a great year!